God's Son 'Forsaken,' His Sacrifice 'Finished!'


Erschienen am 30.01.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
5,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781524570828
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 136 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


     Of the seven statements Christ uttered from the cross, two stand out as being extremely significant in confirming what was being accomplished through theatoning sacrifice of Christ.  The question, My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me? gives us a sense of what was in the cup of Gods wrathful judgment, which Jesus drank to its bitterest dregs on our behalf.  The exclamation, It is finished! unquestionably assures us that the Saviors atoning sacrifice accomplished what was necessary in satisfactorily paying the debt owed for our sin.  Your gratitude and faith will be strengthened as you read this book.

     This book is unique in the following ways:

     1. This book focuses on only two of the seven statements Christ made while on the cross, and they are brought together in testimony to the most profound truths concerning Gods plan of salvation.

     2. This book includes alternative viewpoints (including historical perspectives) and challenges unbiblical perspectives in regard to these statements of Christ and their significance, including some church dogmas.

     3. This book demonstrates that salvation is graciously offered by God based on an individuals repentant faith.  Jesus Christ purchased our redemption.  All that is left is for us to repent of sin and receive the Savior.

    Would you like a faith lift today?  Would you like your heart to grow in love and gratitude toward the Savior?  If so, this book is for you.

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