Deadly Life Style


Erschienen am 26.09.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781514405697
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 260 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The Special Investigator team of Matt Diamond andNatasha Cutter had returned to their new offi ce inBeverly Hills California and were going over a largelist of potential clients when one caught their eye.They had received a call from Ms. GloriaGoldstein regarding the murder of her parentsand the theft of a large twenty-carat light pinkdiamond from their jewelry store. The police hadbeen of little help and she was most anxious forthem to investigate the tragedy.Although the event began in Beverly Hills, the location changed quickly toJohannesburg South Africa and meant that the globe traveling team would oncemore return to the same country where they had been in their previous case.The hunt for the theft of the diamond and the murder of Benjamin and RebeccaGoldstein had to begin at the original source, the antique studio of MartinClause in Johannesburg. He was the fi rst one to purchase, what he later calledThe Empress diamond, from a local black man, for $500,000 and sold it to theGoldsteins for a solid $1,000,000 a few days later. The Empress was the largestlight pink diamond ever found in the world and was a chance fi ne in Tanzania.Although vastly under-priced and could be worth millions more, the only placeit could demand its real value was in the United States and the Goldsteins werethe way to get it to the American market.Entering into the theft and murders were three former American Special Forcesveterans and their mission was the pursuit of the Empress. At the same time,there was a sinister fi gure behind all of this with a code name of THE RED FOXthat would pay any cost to obtain the Empress. His interest in the Empress wasto obtain it for a billionaire, Sir Fredrick Marsh, who wanted it as a birthday giftfor his wife.It was now up to Matt Diamond and Natasha Cutter to follow the trail of theDeadly Diamond. A trail that would includethe deaths of several others and a diamondthat many would believe was cursed.The intrigue of who has it now is anexciting trip and the surprise ending will getthe reader out of his seat with the strange twist of faith.

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