Hyperconnectivity and Its Discontents


Erschienen am 14.11.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
18,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781509554546
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 288 S., 0.43 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Digital hyperconnectivity is a defining fact of our time. The Silicon Valley dream of universal connection the dream of connecting everyone and everything to everyone and everything else, everywhere and all the time is rapidly becoming a reality. In this wide-ranging and sharply argued book, Rogers Brubaker develops an original interpretive account of the pervasive and unsettling changes brought about by hyperconnectivity. He traces transformations of the self, social relations, culture, economics, and politics, giving special attention to underexplored themes of abundance, miniaturization, convenience, quantification, and discipline. He shows how hyperconnectivity prepared us for the pandemic and how the pandemic, in turn, has prepared us for an even more fully digitally mediated future. Throughout, Brubaker underscores the ambivalence of digital hyperconnectivity, which opens up many new and exciting possibilities, yet at the same time threatens human freedom and flourishing.

Hyperconnectivity and Its Discontents will be essential reading for everyone interested in the constellation of socio-technical forces that are profoundly remaking our world.


Rogers Brubaker is Professor of Sociology and UCLA Foundation Chair at the University of California, Los Angeles.





1. Selves

2. Interactions

3. Culture

4. Economics

5. Politics



Works Cited

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