Cities in a World Economy


Erschienen am 30.05.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781506362595
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 440 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Cities in a World Economy examines the emergence of global cities as a new social formation. As sites of rapid and widespread developments in the areas of finance, information and people, global cities lie at the core of the major processes of globalization. The book features a cross-disciplinary approach to urban sociology using global examples, and discusses the impact of global processes on the social structure of cities. TheFifth Edition reflects the most current data available and explores recent debates such as the role of cities in mitigating environmental problems, the global refugee crisis, Brexit, and the rise of Donald Trump in the United States.


Preface to the Fifth Edition
Preface to the Fourth Edition
Preface to the Third Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
List of Exhibits
Chapter 1. Place and Production in the Global Economy
Chapter 2. The Urban Impact of Economic Globalization
The Global Economy Today
Strategic Places
Conclusion: After the Pax Americana
Chapter 2 Appendix
Chapter 3. National and Transnational Urban Systems
Global Patterns of Urbanization
Urbanization in Africa Today
Urbanization in Asia Today
Impacts on Primate Systems: The Case of Latin America and the Caribbean
Impacts on Balanced Urban Systems: The Case of Europe
Transnational Urban Systems
Global Cities and Immigration
Global Cities and Diasporic Networks
A Politics of Places on Global Circuits
Conclusion: Urban Growth and Its Multiple Meanings
Chapter 3 Appendix
Chapter 4. The New Urban Economy: The Intersection of Global Processes and Place
From the Keynesian City to the Global City
The Multiple Circuits of the Global Economy
The Specialized Differences of Cities Matter: There Is No Perfect Global City
Urban/Rural Specificity Feeds the Knowledge Economy
The Global City as a Postindustrial Production Site
Producer Services
The Formation of a New Production Complex
Corporate Headquarters and Cities
An Emerging Global Labor Market
Conclusion: Cities as Postindustrial Production Sites
Chapter 4 Appendix
Chapter 5. Issues and Case Studies in the New Urban Economy
The Development of Global City Functions: The Case of Miami
The Growing Density and Specialization of Functions in Financial Districts: Toronto
The Concentration of Functions and Geographic Scale: Sydney
Competition or Specialized Differences: The Financial Centers of Hong Kong and Shanghai
Making New Global Circuits in Energy and Finance: The Gulf States
An Old Imperial City in Todays New EastWest Geopolitics: Istanbul
Globalization and Concentration: The Case of Leading Financial Centers
Why Do Financial Centers Still Exist in the Global Digital Era?
In the Digital Era: More Concentration Than Dispersal
Conclusion: The Space Economy of Centrality
Chapter 5 Appendix
Chapter 6. The New Inequalities Within Cities
Transformations in the Organization of the Labor Process
The Informal Economy
The Earnings Distribution in a Service-Dominated Economy
The Birth of Global Slums
The Restructuring of Urban Consumption
Conclusion: A Widening Gap
Chapter 7. Global Cities and Global Survival Circuits
Women in the Global Economy
Localizing the Global
The Other Workers in the Advanced Corporate Economy
Producing a Global Supply of the New Caretakers: The Feminization of Survival
Chapter 7 Appendix
Chapter 8. The Urbanizing of Global Governance Challenges
Cities as Frontier Spaces for Global Governance
Bridging the Ecologies of Cities and of the Biosphere
When Finance Hits Urban Space
When Pursuing National Security Is the Making of Urban Insecurity
Chapter 9. A New Geography of Centers and Margins
Summary and Implications
The Locus of the Peripheral
Contested Space
References and Suggested Reading
About the Author

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