Luther and Bach on the Magnificat

eBook - For Advent and Christmas

Erschienen am 22.09.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
23,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781498272773
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 136 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Luther and Bach on the Magnificat: For Advent and Christmas brings together the gifts of Lutheranism's original and most prominent theologian with Lutheranism's most prominent composer/musician as Martin Luther and Johann Sebastian Bach expound in word and music on the Virgin Mary's song of praise in the Gospel of Luke: the Magnificat.Written in 1521, Martin Luther's Commentary on the Magnificat is a spiritual classic with a timeless message: soli deo gloria--to God alone be the glory. This central theme of Luther's Commentary makes it as significant today as it was nearly five hundred years ago.Johann Sebastian Bach wrote his musical masterpiece, Magnificat, during his first year as Kantor of the Church of St. Thomas in Leipzig. Bach conducted the first performance of this cantata on Christmas Day in 1723, and it remains one of his most famous compositions.Bringing together Luther and Bach to interpret the timeless message of the Magnificat results in a unique and inspirational word and music Advent and Christmas study experience that can be enjoyed year after year by individuals and congregations alike.


Peter A. Hendrickson is the Director of Choral Activities at Augsburg College where he directs the Augsburg Choir and the Masterworks Chorale of Augsburg. In 2009, he directed the Masterworks Chorale of Augsburg in a performance of Bach'sMagnificat.

Rev. Bradley C. Jenson is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and a Certified Investment Management Analyst (CIMA) in Duluth, MN. An ordained minister for over thirty years, he served in the parish ministry for over twenty years before moving to financial services. He and his wife Jill are coauthors ofThe Essential Bible: A Summary of the Major Stories.

Randi H. Lundell is the Grants Manager and Department Administrator in the Medical School at the University of Minnesota. She holds her doctorate in German literature and philosophy and has translated a number of theological books from German to English.

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