The Bosom of Abraham

eBook - Knowledge Must Be Transmitted to the Young

Erschienen am 25.04.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
5,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781491753576
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 90 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


As a child, Beatrice Blue Pipe was confused and hurt by what her teachers told her. As a student, her teachers at Canadas Christian-administered residential school system taught that God hated Canadas First Peoples and First Nations. From Blue Pipes perspective, she was condemned. As she grew, the hateful lessons of her youth slowly consumed her, and like too many others, she attempted to silence those demons with alcohol and thoughts of suicide. But as an adult, she is now a powerful advocate for her culture and dignity. By exploring the devastating impact of the Canadian governments educational system on the minds and spirits of First Nation children, Beatrice aims to expose the negative impact these multifaceted, inhuman legislative polices have had on her community. Tragically, these practices continue to have a grave, detrimental impact on the well-being of First Nations people. In The Bosom of Abraham, she celebrates the incredibly resilient First People. Canadas systematic and multigenerational attempt to eradicate their cultural ceremonies and languages failed. The ancient cultural knowledge and strength of First Nations people survives today, which ensures the survival of future generations. The Bosom of Abraham is the story of Beatrices journey as a child, a daughter and a studentwho resists the efforts of the system to crush herinto that of a woman, a warrior and a leader, in the effort to celebrate, protect and preserve her cultural and personal heritage.

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