ML.NET Revealed

eBook - Simple Tools for Applying Machine Learning to Your Applications

Erschienen am 18.12.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
77,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781484265437
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 10.06 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Get introduced to ML.NET, a new open source, cross-platform machine learning framework from Microsoft that is intended to democratize machine learning and enable as many developers as possible.
Dive in to learn how ML.NET is designed to encapsulate complex algorithms, making it easy to consume them in many application settings without having to think about the internal details. You will learn about the features that do the necessary plumbing that is required in a variety of machine learning problems, freeing up your time to focus on your applications. You will understand that while the infrastructure pieces may at first appear to be disconnected and haphazard, they are not. 
Developers who are curious about trying machine learning, yet are shying away from it due to its perceived complexity, will benefit from this book. This introductory guide will help you make sense of it all and inspire you to try outscenarios and code samples that can be used in many real-world situations.

What You Will LearnCreate a machine learning model using only the C# languageBuild confidence in your understanding of machine learning algorithms                  Painlessly implement algorithms                                         Begin using the ML.NET library softwareRecognize the many opportunities to utilize ML.NET to your advantageApply and reuse code samples from the bookUtilize the bonus algorithm selection quick references available online

Who This Book Is For
Developers who want to learn how to use and apply machine learning to enrich their applications


Sudipta Mukherjee is an electronics engineer by education and a computer scientist by profession. He holds a degree in electronics and communication engineering. He is passionate about data structure, algorithms, text processing, natural language processing tools development, programming languages, and machine learning. He is the author of several technical books. He has presented at @FuConf and other developer events, and he lives in Bangalore with his wife and son.


Chapter 1: Meet ML.NET.- Chapter 2: The Pipeline.- Chapter 3: Handling Data.- Chapter 4: Regressions.- Chapter 5: Classifications.- Chapter 6: Clustering.- Chapter 7: Sentiment Analysis.- Chapter 8: Product Recommendation.- Chapter 9: Anomaly Detection.- Chapter 10: Object Detection.

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