End of Time

eBook - The most captivating book you ll read this summer

Erschienen am 25.07.2019, 1. Auflage 2019
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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473605466
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 288 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The fast-track MBA in communicationImagine having instant access to the world's smartest thinking on human communication - and being shown exactly what to do to guarantee that all of your communication is right, every time. Communication Genius makes it easy to apply the scientific facts that researchers know about communication to the real world. 40 chapters based on cutting-edge business and psychology research projects reveal what works and what doesn't work when we interact with each other. Each of the 40 chapters is a mini-masterclass in communicating better, explaining the research and showing you how to apply it for yourself to improve your own communication skills.Too often, conventional wisdom says one thing while research says another. Communication Genius cuts through the noise to bring you proven research and techniques for applying it that will simply make you a better all-round communicator.With chapters on body language, emotional intelligence, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), presentations, mimicry, groupthink and the latest neuroscience, Communication Genius explodes some myths and gives you the best that science has to offer on communication. Quick to read and intensely practical, this book will bring a little communication genius into your day.'A must read if you want to communicate better' Professor Sir Cary Cooper, Manchester Business School, University of Manchester'Required reading for anyone seeking to better their communication skills in the workplace and otherwise' Dr Anastasia P. Rush, Clinical Psychologist, CEO HELLAS EAP (Greece)'Calls into question accepted 'beliefs' (Maslow's hierarchy) and introduces the reader to an array of new theories from "e;IQ"e; racism to the Obama effect' Kate Nowlan, Chief Executive, CiC Employee Assistance, Fellow Royal Society of Arts (FRSA)'Tony has done a fantastic job in pulling together an amazing number of articles and scientific studies and making them understandable to the lay person' Andrew Kinder, Chartered Counselling & Chartered Occupational Psychologist, Employee Assistance Professionals Association (EAPA -UK) Chair

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