Authenticity Project

eBook - The feel-good novel you need right now

Erschienen am 04.02.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473568495
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 416 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Now includes an exclusive extract of Clare Pooley's new and brilliantly uplifting novel The People On Platform 5 - available nowTreat yourself to the warm, poignant and uplifting Radio 2 Book Club pick, loved by hundreds of thousands of readers... 'The first book which has made me laugh in a long time' 'A charming, funny and uplifting story'Full of optimism ... I defy anyone not to pick it up and be both transported and delighted'This book helped to lift my spirits' 'Well-written, great characters , a charming tale, and packed with feel-good factor' ------------ Six strangers with one thing in common: their lives aren't always what they make them out to be. What would happen if they told the truth instead? Julian Jessop is tired of hiding the deep loneliness he feels. So he begins The Authenticity Project - a small green notebook containing the truth about his life. Leaving the notebook on a table in his friendly neighbourhood caf , Julian never expects Monica, the owner, to track him down after finding it. Or that she'll be inspired to write down her own story. Little do they realise that such small acts of honesty hold the power to impact all those who discover the notebook and change their lives completely. --------------Praise for The Authenticity Project: 'A warm and endearing tale about truth, friendship and the power of connection' Mike Gayle'Original, engaging and unforgettable' Sarah Morgan'A joyous, funny read that leaves you all warm inside' Beth Morrey, Sunday Times bestselling author of Saving Missy

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