Orson Welles, Volume 3

eBook - One-Man Band

Erschienen am 26.11.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473545762
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 496 S., 5.75 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


InOne-Man Band,the third volume in his epic survey of Orson Welles life and work, Simon Callow again probes in comprehensive and penetrating detail into one of the most complex artists of the twentieth century, looking closely at the triumphs and failures of an ambitious one-man assault on one medium after another theatre, radio, film, television, even, at one point, ballet in each of which his radical and original approach opened up new directions and hitherto unglimpsed possibilities.

The book begins with Welles self-exile from America, and his realisation that he could only function happily as an independent film-maker, a one-man band; by 1964, he had filmedOthello, which took three years to complete,Mr Arkadin, the biggest conundrum in his output, and his masterpieceChimes at Midnight, as well asTouch of Evil, his sole return to Hollywood and, like all too many of his films, wrested from his grasp and re-edited. Along the way he made inroads into the fledgling medium of television and a number of stage plays, includingMoby-Dick, considered by theatre historians to be one of the seminal productions of the century. Meanwhile, his private life was as dramatic as his professional life.

The book shows what it was like to be around Welles, and, with a precision rarely attempted before, what it was like to be him, in which lies the answer to the old riddle: whatever happened to Orson Welles?


Simon Callowis an actor, director and writer. He has appeared on the stage and in many films, including the hugely popularFour Weddings and a Funeral.His books includeBeing an Actor,Shooting the Actor,Love is Where it Falls,the first two volumes of his four-volume life of Orson Welles, his theatrical memoirMy Life in Pieces, and, most recently, the highly acclaimedCharles Dickens and the Great Theatre of the World.


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