The Man and His Bike

eBook - Musings on life and the art of cycling

Erschienen am 27.04.2017, 1. Auflage 2017
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473529106
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 256 S., 3.99 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


The helicopter is hanging above our heads. A woman with a child waves up to the family watching at home. Motorcycles tear past, sirens wailing. And here they come, the riders. Like a vast chameleon the peloton continually changes shape and colour. Four hundred tyres sing to us. Music for a Sunday afternoon.

Here they come. Here they are. There they go. Its all over, consigned to the past once more.

We can still see the mud-spattered backside of a straggler, sitting crooked on his bike after a fall. The skin of his elbow has been grazed raw, the dirt of the Tour ground into the wound. But he must go on. The Tour waits for no man

Wilfried de Jong is a star of Dutch sports writing and broadcasting. In this award-winning collection of cycling tales, his comic, melancholic, existential charm unlocks a sport that involves so much pain, punishment, isolation and a high probability of failure. Liberating and inspiring, Wilfried ponders life, love and death on his trusted bike, chasing the essence of our existence against the backdrop of major cycling events or while roaming alone in nature.

Whether he is describing being ejected from Paris-Roubaix, a terminal incident with a bird while out riding, painting the drama that unfolds in a forgotten café as they wait for the Tour to pass, or explaining why he is standing stark naked on Belgian cobbles with a tyre in his hand in the morning mist, he always uncovers the true soul of cycling why we do it, why we watch it, why we hate it, why we love it stripped bare.


Wilfried de Jong is a well-known and highly regarded broadcaster, journalist and writer in his native Holland. A familiar face on Dutch TV, he has made a number of award-winning sports documentaries. In 2012 he won the Nico Scheepmaker Award for the best sports book of the year forHead in theWind,which went on to be a bestseller in Holland. In 2015 his collection of cycling columnsSolowas nominated for the Dutch Sports Book of the Year.The Man and his Bikecombines the very best of De Jongs stories on cycling in one unique collection.

Introduced by Bert Wagendorp, author ofVentoux

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