Annabel Karmel's Busy Mum's Cookbook


Erschienen am 18.02.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
14,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781473527911
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 224 S., 79.84 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


As a bestselling childrens cookery writer, entrepreneur and mum of three, Annabel Karmel knows what its like to juggle motherhood with a busy life. The prospect of spending hours cooking a nutritious meal for the family can be daunting, but Annabels stunning new cookbook offers a solution with over 100 simple, tasty recipes that the whole family will enjoy.

For those busy weeknights, try Annabels 20-minute recipes and 6-ingredient meal ideas all of which are easy-to-make and packed with flavour such as Chicken Chow Mein or her mouth-watering Dover Sole with Parsley Butter. Planning lunches for school or work is also a breeze thanks to Annabels innovative ideas for lunchboxes and snacks.

There are meals you can prepare in advance and store in the fridge or freezer ready for an action-packed family weekend, and easy recipes that you can make from storecupboard ingredients. If you have family or friends coming round, Annabel has got it covered with superb ideas for easy weekend entertaining and show-stopping desserts. Impress your dinner guests with Annabels succulent Venison Casserole or aromatic Oriental Roast Duck, followed by Berry and White Chocolate Tart.

Packed full of brand new recipes,Annabel Karmels Busy Mums Cookbookgives mums everything they need to prepare delicious, healthy, stress-free meals for all the family every day of the week.


Mother of three, Annabel Karmel MBE is the UK's No.1 childrens cookery author, bestselling international author, and expert on devising delicious, nutritious meals for babies children and families.

Since launching with The Complete Baby and Toddler Meal Planner more than 20 years ago, Annabel has written 39 books, which have sold over four million copies worldwide, covering every stage of a childs development. In fact, Annabels very first book is one of the UK's bestselling nonfiction books of all time.



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