Summer of Secrets

eBook - A riveting and heart-breaking novel about dark secrets and dangerous romances

Erschienen am 06.09.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781472241191
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 432 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The unforgettable novel from Nikola Scott about two women - born decades apart - each faced with the knowledge that a man in their lives is not what he seems... Perfect for readers of Dinah Jefferies and Kate Morton.AN EBOOK BESTSELLER 'An atmospheric and gripping read' My Weekly'Wonderful characters and a very moving storyline' Sun'I was completely enthralled' Kathryn Hughes'I loved this touching exploration of love and its capacity for consolation and destruction... compelling and satisfying ' Judith LennoxAugust 1939At peaceful Summerhill, orphaned Maddy hides from the world and the rumours of war. Then her adored sister Georgina returns from a long trip with a new friend, the handsome Victor. Maddy fears that Victor is not all he seems, but she has no idea just what kind of danger has come into their lives...TodayChloe is newly pregnant. This should be a joyful time, but she is fearful for the future, despite her husband's devotion. When chance takes her to Summerhill, she's drawn into the mystery of what happened there decades before. And the past reaches out to touch her in ways that could change everything...What readers are saying about Summer of Secrets: 'An absolute joy... If you only read one book this year I recommend this one' 5 Star Amazon Reviewer'Nikola Scott has a magical way of piecing her stories together and has done her characters proud with the way she has written their journeys. An emotionally charged, harrowing and majestic novel' Kaisha at The Writing Garnet 'Such an intriguing story with a balance of lighter and darker moments. Rich in detail and beautifully told. Five stars from me!' Rachel at Rae Reads

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