Last High


Erschienen am 28.05.2020, 1. Auflage 2020
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781471177736
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 400 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


THE BEST FEELING YOU EVER HAVE MIGHT KILL YOU. A thrilling front-line drama KATHY REICHSAn ordinary day Dr Julie Reesis working in the ER in downtown Vancouver when calls of an emergency come in fiveteenagers have overdosed. Three died at the scene, two are in cardiac arrest and on their way to the hospital. It's a race against time to try and save them, one that seems impossible to win.A new drugAs Julie unpicks the harrowing events, she sees the unlikelihood of the kids' deaths. How could they have all overdosed at once? How were none of them able to help each other? The answer is obvious they must have died within seconds of each other. But how?An epidemic in the makingThe bloodwork from the patients confirms Julie's worst fears they were poisoned by an ultra-potent strand of the opioid fentanyl. When more and more people die from the same thing, the deaths begin to look deliberate, targeted and the drugs are still out there, while the body count rises . . .Fast-paced, tense and authentic,if you love the drama and tension of shows like Grey's Anatomy and the skewedmoralityof Breaking Bad, then this is for you.***PRAISE for THE LAST HIGH***Michael Crichton ought to be looking over his shoulder The Chronicle HeraldA riveting thriller, The Last High features the most evil and insidious of villains: opioids. This important, must-read book is not only well-researched and entirely realistic, it gives a human face to a devastating epidemicROBYN HARDING, internationally bestselling author ofThe Arrangement and The Party.

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