Birthmarked Trilogy

eBook - Birthmarked, Prized, Promised, The Birthmarked Trilogy

Erschienen am 18.11.2014, 1. Auflage 2014
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781466885509
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 1040 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The Birthmarked Trilogy: Birthmarked, Prized, PromisedIn the future there are those who live inside the wall and those, like sixteen-year-old midwife Gaia Stone, who live outside . . . Perfect for fans new to the series, the three books of Caragh O'Brien's Birthmarked Trilogy are available together in this bundle.Birthmarked: Gaia has always believed it is her duty, with her mother, to hand over a small quota of babies to the Enclave. But when Gaia's mother and father are arrested by the very people they so dutifully serve, Gaia is forced to question everything she has been taught to believe.Prized: Striking out into the wasteland with nothing but her baby sister and a rumor to guide her, Gaia survives only to be captured by the people of Sylum, a dystopian society where women rule the men who drastically outnumber them, and a kiss is a crime. In order to see her sister again, Gaia must submit to their strict social code, but how can she deny her sense of justice, her curiosity, and everything in her heart that makes her whole?Promised: After defying the ruthless Enclave, surviving the wasteland, and upending the rigid matriarchy of Sylum, Gaia now faces her biggest challenge ever. She must lead the people of Sylum back to the Enclave and persuade the Protectorat to grant them refuge from the wasteland. Is Gaia ready, as a leader, to sacrifice what-or whom-she loves most?Includes bonus chapters from Caragh O'Brien's Vault of Dreamers!

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