The Time Is Out of Joint

eBook - Shakespeare as Philosopher of History

Erschienen am 23.07.2002, 1. Auflage 2002
69,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781461715436
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 384 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The Time Is Out of Joint handles the Shakespearean oeuvre from a philosophical perspective, finding that Shakespeare's historical dramas reflect on issues and reveal puzzles which were taken up by philosophy proper only in the centuries following them. Shakespeare's extraordinary handling of time and temporality, the difference between truth and fact, that of theory, and that of interpretation and revelatory truth are evaluated in terms of Shakespeare's own conjectural endeavors, and are compared with early modern, modern, and postmodern thought. Heller shows that modernity, which recognized itself in Shakespeare only from the time of Romanticism, found in Shakespeare's work a revelatory character which marked the end of both metaphysical system-building and a tragic reckoning with the inaccessibility of an absolute, timeless truth. Heller distinguishes the four stages found in constantly unique relation in Shakespeare's work (historical, personal, political, and existential) and probes their significance as time comes to fall 'out of joint' and may be again set aright. Rather than initially bestowing upon Shakespeare the dubious honorary title of philosopher, Heller probes the concretely situated reflections of characters who must face a blind and irrational fate either without taking responsibility for the discordance of time, or with a responsibility which may both transform history into politics, and set right the time which is out of joint. In the ruminations and undertakings of these characters, Shakespeare's dramas present a philosophy of history, a political philosophy, and a philosophy of (im)moral personality. Heller weighs each as distinctly modern confrontations with the possibility of truth and virtue within a human historical condition no less multifarious for its momentariness.


Agnes Heller is Hannah Arendt Professor of Philosophy at the New School for Social Research in New York.


Part 1 The Time is Out of Joint
Chapter 2 1. What is Nature? What is Natural?
Part 2 No Man or Woman Can Set Time Right
Chapter 3 2. Who Am I? Dressing Up, Stripping Naked
Chapter 4 3. Acting, Playing, Pretending, Disguising
Chapter 5 4. Absolute Strangers
Chapter 6 5. Judgment of Human Character: To Betray and To Be Betrayed
Chapter 7 6. Love, Sex, Subversion: Political Drama, Family Drama
Chapter 8 7. The Sphinx Called Time
Chapter 9 8. Virtues and Vices; Guilt, Good, and Evil
Chapter 11 A. The History Plays
Chapter 12 1. Richard II
Chapter 13 2. 1, 2, and 3 Henry IV
Chapter 14 3. The Tragedy of Richard III
Chapter 15 B. Three Roman Plays
Chapter 16 1. Corialanus
Chapter 17 2. Julius Caesar
Chapter 18 3. Antony and Cleopatra

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