Thinking from the Underside of History

eBook - Enrique Dussel's Philosophy of Liberation

Erschienen am 08.07.2000, 1. Auflage 2000
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781461666677
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 312 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Enrique Dussel's writings span the theology of liberation, critiques of discourse ethics, evaluations of Marx, Levinas, Habermas, and others, but most importantly, the development of a philosophy written from the underside of Eurocentric modernist teleologies, an ethics of the impoverished, and the articulation of a unique Latin American theoretical perspective. This anthology of original articles by U.S. philosophers elucidating Dussel's thought, offers critical analyses from a variety of perspectives, including feminist ones. Also included is an essay by Dussel that responds to these essays.


Linda Martin Alcoff is professor of philosophy at Syracuse University.
Eduardo Mendieta is assistant professor of philosophy at University of San Francisco.


Chapter 1 1: Introduction by Linda Martin Alcoff and Eduardo Mendieta
Chapter 2 2: Dussel's Philosophy of Liberation: Ethics and Geopolitics of Knowledge by Walter D. Mingnolo
Chapter 3 3: The Material Principle and the Formal Principle in Dussel's Ethics by James L. Marsh
Chapter 4 4: Can "Liberation Ethics" Be Assimilated under "Discourse Ethics"? by Karl-Otto Apel
Chapter 5 5: Discourse and Liberation: Toward a Critical Coordination of Discourse Ethics and Dussel's Ethics of Liberation by Hans Schelkshorn
Chapter 6 6: Beyond Universal History: Dussel's Critique of Globalization by Eduardo Mendieta
Chapter 7 7: Burnt Offerings to Rationality: A Feminist Reading of the Construction of Indigenous Peoples in Dussel's Theory of Modernity by Lynda Lange
Chapter 8 8: Thinking Otherwise: Dussel, Liberation Theology, and Feminism by Elina Vuola
Chapter 9 9: Locating the Absolutely Absolute Other: Toward a Transmodern Christianity by Roberto S. Goizueta
Chapter 10 10: Theory and Alterity: Dussel's Marx and Marion on Idolatry by Michael D. Barber
Chapter 11 11: Dussel on Marx: Living Labor and the Materiality of Life by Mario Saenz
Chapter 12 12: Power/Knowledges in the Colonial Unconscious: A Dialogue between Dussel and Foucault by Linda Martin Alcoff
Chapter 13 13: Epilogue by Enrique Dussel

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