One-Shot Color Astronomical Imaging

eBook - In Less Time, For Less Money!, The Patrick Moore Practical Astronomy Series

Erschienen am 05.04.2012, 1. Auflage 2012
43,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781461432470
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 191 S., 4.38 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book shows amateur astronomers how to use one-shot CCD cameras, and how to get the best out of equipment that exposes all three color images at once. Because this book is specifically devoted to one-shot imaging, "One-Shot Color Astronomical Imaging" begins by looking at all the basics - what equipment will be needed, how color imaging is done, and most importantly, what specific steps need to be followed after the one-shot color images are taken.

What is one-shot color imaging? Typically, astronomical cooled-chip CCD cameras record only one color at a time - rather like old-fashioned black& white cameras fitted with color filters. Three images are taken in sequence - in red, blue, and green light - and these are then merged by software in a PC to form a color image. Each of the three images must be taken separately through a suitable color filter, which means that the total exposure time for every object is more than tripled. When exposure times can run into tens of minutes or even hours for each of the three colors, this can be a major drawback for the time-pressed amateur.

"One-Shot Color Astronomical Imaging" describes the most cost-effective and time-efficient way for any amateur astronomer to begin to photograph the deep-sky.


Having discovered an unknown passion for astronomy in college, L. A. Kennedy has been an avid amateur astronomer and astro-imager ever since. In addition to writing his book, he is very active in sharing his knowledge and passion for astrophotography with interested people at schools, colleges, and in private settings. He currently lives and images under the light-polluted skies of southeastern Michigan.

Kennedy is a purchasing and supply-chain management professional by trade, with years of experience in several industries. He has a proven ability to find ways to save both time and money in any situation. Applying this ability to the field of astrophotography has allowed amateur astronomers across the globe to benefit from his insights into more efficient and cost-effective astronomical imaging techniques.

Kennedy has been using one-shot color imaging equipment since the earliest one-shot color charge-coupled devices (CCD's) became available to the general public. For many years he has been displaying high-quality, color images of deep-space objects for friends and family on his personal website. Through his business website, www.digitalspaceimages.com, he has published and sold his astrophotography images all over the world.


Digital Imaging.- One-Shot Color vs. Multiple Color Filter Exposures.- Evaluating Your Existing Equipment.- Choosing the Right Stuff.- Finding Targets to Image.- Setting Up Your Imaging Confirmation.- Polar Alignment, Focusing, and Framing.- Calibration.- Taking Exposures and Auto Guiding.- Stack 'Em Up.-  Histogram Display.- Image Processing and Enhancement.- Displaying Your Images.- More Things You Can Do.- Additional Resources.

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