My Journey Home


Erschienen am 20.01.2014, 1. Auflage 2014
6,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781452576480
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 106 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


I Initially wrote this book to retrieve my voice and it took on a life of its own. There are so many people that are struggling with their emotions and finding their voice. They have no understanding why their life is crumbling all around them.By sharing my story it is my hope that you will find the courage to go within and throw off the shackles of pain and suffering, to stand tall in the full Glory of your Essence, the love that you are and to retrieve your voice. To live in and from the Peace, Joy, Grace and Power that is your Essence is what we are here to be and do. We are The One that we have been waiting for. If my story opens the door for just one person, to find the Peace and Love they have been yearning for, it would have been worth everything.Lifes journeys are great adventures for all of us. But if were really lucky, some of them take us beyond anything we might have imagined. Mett e Christensens journey is surely one of those. Were fortunate indeed to have her share it.George Greene, PhDI believe fervently in being the change that I want to see. It all starts with us as individuals. This book is about one amazing womans journey through a lifetime, and how it can transcend for all of us; it just starts from within you. It is filled with key reminders of universal tools that we oft en forget when we feel our lives are shaken to the core. I find it essential to keep around and reference back to as I walk through my own journey.J. Darland, Business Consultant

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