Hillsborough Voices

eBook - The Real Story Told by the People Themselves

Erschienen am 19.05.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
8,49 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448176700
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 352 S., 16.01 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


On 15 April 1989, the world witnessed one of the worst football disasters in history occur at the Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield. 96 people were crushed to death and another 766 injured in a tragedy that was later admitted to have been exacerbated by police failures.

Hillsborough Voicesdoes justice to the memory of all those who died and for all those left behind. From the tragic events of the day to what unfolded in the hours, days and eventually years that followed, the book will interweave the voices of those who were there with the families and friends of those who died, and all those who have played key roles in the long search for the truth.

The author, Kevin Sampson, has a long history with Hillsborough. Not only was he there as a fan to witness the horror first-hand, he also helped organise the Hillsborough benefit concert at Anfield and has close connections with the justice campaign. He has conducted exhaustive and exclusive interviews both with people who have become familiar public figures and those who will be telling their heart-rending personal stories for the first time to bring us the full story.

The book will be fully endorsed and promoted by the Hillsborough Justice Campaign and will carry the official HJC logo.


Kevin Sampson is the author of eight novels as well asExtra Time, his account of a season in the life of a Liverpool FC fanatic. He has contributed to football anthologies, includingHere We Go Gathering Cups in MayandRedmen, which he also edited.

Kevin is a regular contributor to theGuardian,Observerand Liverpool FC TV, the club's dedicated TV channel. He lives on Merseyside where he is a member of the Liverpool Producers Association, and a long-term supporter of the Writing on the Wall festival and CALM, the mental health charity.

You can find him at @ksampsonwriter on Twitter.



The real story of the Hillsborough disaster, told by the people who were there

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