Magisterium: The Bronze Key

eBook - The Magisterium

Erschienen am 31.08.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448157983
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 256 S., 3.75 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Nicht vorhanden


Magic can save you Magic can kill you

It should be a time of celebration. The Enemy of Death is dead; a severed head proof of his downfall. The magical world has no reason to believe otherwise, and Callum, Tamara and Aaron are celebrated as heroes.

But at a party held in their honour, things go horribly, brutally wrong. A fellow student is callously murdered, and it seems Calls worst fears are confirmed: there is a spy in the Magisterium.

No one is safe.

Now, using the powerful magic theyve been taught, the trio must risk their lives to track down the killer. But magic is dangerous in the wrong hands it could bring terrible destruction. And reveal the deadliest secret of all . . .


Holly Black (Author) Holly Black is the bestselling author of contemporary fantasy novels for teens and children, including Tithe: A Modern Faerie Tale and the #1 New York Times bestselling Spiderwick series. She has been a finalist for the Mythopoeic Award and the Eisner Award, and the recipient of the Andre Norton Award. Holly lives in Massachusetts with her husband, Theo, in a house with a secret library. Her website iswww.blackholly.com. Cassandra Clare (Author) Cassandra Clare is the author of the #1 New York Times, USA TODAY, Wall Street Journal, and Publishers Weekly bestselling Mortal Instruments series, The Infernal Devices trilogy, and The Bane Chronicles. Her books have more than 30 million copies in print worldwide and have been translated into more than thirty-five languages. Cassandra lives in western Massachusetts. Visit her at CassandraClare.com. Learn more about the world of the Shadowhunters at Shadowhunters.com.


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