
eBook - A Novel

Erschienen am 30.11.2012, 1. Auflage 2012
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448156023
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 320 S., 0.55 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


'It's the most marvellous discovery for everyone who loves literature' Ian McEwan, BBC Radio 4

Colum McCann once calledStonerone of the great forgotten novels of the past century, but it seems it is forgotten no longer in 2013 translations ofStonerbegan appearing on bestseller lists across Europe. Forty-eight years after its first, quiet publication in the US,Stoneris finally finding the wide and devoted readership it deserves. Have you read it yet? William Stoner enters the University of Missouri at nineteen to study agriculture. A seminar on English literature changes his life, and he never returns to work on his father's farm. Stoner becomes a teacher. He marries the wrong woman. His life is quiet, and after his death his colleagues remember him rarely.

Yet with truthfulness, compassion and intense power, this novel uncovers a story of universal value.Stonertells of the conflicts, defeats and victories of the human race that pass unrecorded by history, and reclaims the significance of an individual life. A reading experience like no other, itself a paean to the power of literature, it is a novel to be savoured.


John Williams was born on August 29, 1922 in Clarksville, Texas. He served in the United States Army Air Force from 1942 to 1945 in China, Burma and India. The Swallow Press published his first novel,Nothing But theNight, in 1948, as well as his first book of poems,The Broken Landscape, in 1949. Macmillan published Williams' second novel,Butcher'sCrossing, in 1960. After recieving his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Denver, and his Ph.D from the University of Missouri, Williams returned in 1954 to the University of Denver where he taught literature and the craft of writing for thirty years. In 1963 Williams received a fellowship to study at Oxford University where where he received a Rockefeller grant enabling him to travel and research in Italy for his last novel,Augustus, published in 1972. John Williams died in Arkansas on March 4, 1994.



Have you read the novel everyone is talking about about? Stoner: the 2013 surprise international bestseller

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