

Erschienen am 28.04.2016, 1. Auflage 2016
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E-Book Download
Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448141951
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 256 S., 1.46 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Gastronautis an irreverent journey through the crazy, twisted, mixed-up world of food. Its full of extraordinary, extravagant and bizarre culinary experiences, arcane information and practical recipes for spectacular food.

Each of us will spend 16 per cent of our waking lives cooking and eating. That time is far too precious to waste on chores, so why not turn cooking into an adventure? This book of strange and wonderful gastronomic quests will help you do just that.

If you've ever wondered how to stage a Bacchanalian orgy in the comfort of your own home, how to make a bum sandwich, how to cook a whole pig underground, smoke salmon in a biscuit-tin, cook with gold, woodlice, reindeer, guinea pig, aftershave or breastmilk, or whether its true that you cant teach a grandmother to suck eggs the answers are here.

This isnt a work of fiction or hyperbole.Gastronautis thoroughly researched, tested and illustrated throughout. It also includes a survey that lifts the lid, Kinsey-style, on the real eating habits of the nation. If cannibalism were legal, which famous person would most people like to eat? What foods make us fart? Do people genuinely like their pasta al dente? Can men lactate?Gastronautis perfect for people who are fascinated by food, who love the wilder side of cooking, who yearn for adventure or who, frankly, just like showing off.


Stefan Gates is a writer and broadcaster. In 2004, as a presenter and writer of the BBC2 seriesFull on Food, Stefan introduced the nation to the wilder side of gastronomy. He's worked as a TV directorm scriptwriter and comedy producer, but his strangest job was appearing naked on the cover of Led Zeppelin'sHouses of the Holyat the age of four. He is married to the top food photographer Georgia Glynn Smith, who shot the pictures forGastronautin between working with the likes of Nigel Slater and Gordon Ramsay.


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