Mind Whispering

eBook - How to break free from self-defeating emotional habits

Erschienen am 02.05.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
14,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781448117710
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 336 S., 0.92 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The aim ofMind Whisperingis to transform us into more fully integrated human beings - mentally, emotionally and interpersonally. By using the practical techniques within it, our minds can be more free, our perceptions more true, our responses more artful, our connections more genuine - and our hearts happier.

Tara Bennett-Goleman's first book,Emotional Alchemy,was a New York Times bestseller and translated into 25 languages. It looked at deep patterns that can rule the most troubling times in our lives. In her new work,Mind Whispering,the author ranges more widely, drawing on the very latest ideas in cognitive psychology, neuroscience and Eastern traditions to offer a fresh vision of how we can free ourselves from our most negative frames of mind. Through 'mind whispering' practices, she shows how we can become more positive, and cultivate states of being that are ultimately healing and beneficial.


Tara Bennett-Goleman is a psychotherapist and teacher who has studied for more than two decades with Buddhist masters from Tibet, Nepal and Burma. Her postgraduate training was at the Cognitive Therapy Center in New York. She is married to Daniel Goleman (author ofEmotional Intelligence), and travels with him all over the world, giving talks, workshops and conflict resolution programmes. www.tarabennettgoleman.com


An important book by a leading figure in the worlds of mindfulness, cognitive therapy and research into how our brains work

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