The Railway


Erschienen am 31.07.2014, 1. Auflage 2014
9,49 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781446449714
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 336 S., 1.05 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Set mainly in Uzbekistan between 1900 and 1980,The Railwayintroduces to us the inhabitants of the small town of Gilas on the ancient Silk Route. Among those whose stories we hear are Mefody-Jurisprudence, the town's alcoholic intellectual; Father Ioann, a Russian priest; Kara-Musayev the Younger, the chief of police; and Umarali-Moneybags, the old moneylender. Their colourful lives offer a unique and comic picture of a little-known land populated by outgoing Mullahs, incoming Bolsheviks, and a plethora of Uzbeks, Russians, Persians, Jews, Koreans, Tatars and Gypsies.

At the heart of both the town and the novel stands the railway station - a source of income and influence, and a connection to the greater world beyond the town. Rich and picaresque,The Railwaychronicles the dramatic changes felt throughout Central Asia in the early twentieth century.


Hamid Ismailov, regarded as a man of 'unacceptably democratic tendencies' in Uzbekistan, was forced to flee his homeland, and so came to London in 1992. He was recruited by the BBC World Service to set up its Central Asia Service. He has published many books both in Russia and in Uzbekistan.The RailwayandA Poet and Bin-Ladenare the only two to have been translated into English.


A vibrant, multi-cultural and surreal satire set in Uzbekistan in the mid-twentieth century.

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