Counselling Children, Adolescents and Families


Erschienen am 04.12.2003, 1. Auflage 2003
54,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781446236314
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 183 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


`I recommend this book to anyone who lives or works with families, children or teenagers -Nurturing Potential

`This is a valuable book, worth attention in every child and family service. My own agency has ordered a copy! -Robert Cumming, Nurturing Potential

`John Sharrys book is a jewel in the solution-focused literature. It is clearly and engagingly written, draws on a host of ideas from different therapeutic approaches and is packed with practical examples. There is no better book on strengths-based therapy with children and adolescents. Every team should have one -Chris Iveson, Brief Therapy Practice

Counselling Children, Adolescents and Families describes an innovative approach to therapeutic work which builds on the strengths of children and their parents. As the authors experience shows, helping clients to focus on potential solutions rather than problems can be a powerful means of engaging them in the therapeutic process, even in the most conflicting family circumstances. Harnessing the clients personal, family and community resources in this way also helps counteract their feelings of powerlessness and the possibility of increasing reliance on professional services.

Part One outlines the basic principles of a solution-focused and strengths-based approach, tackling such thorny issues as how and when to use diagnosis. Part two describes creative applications of the approach, using groupwork, play-based activities and video feedback. Part Three, examines practical issues which arise in more difficult cases, such as child abuse and suicidal teenagers and children.

This book is aimed at professionals and trainees in fields including social work, mental health, childcare, education, psychotherapy and counselling.


Foreword - Scott D Miller
Establishing the Context
Guiding Principles of Practice
Engaging and Motivating Families
Becoming Child and Adolescent Centred
The Structure of a Strengths-Based Session
Constructive Understanding
Formulation and Diagnosis
Strength in Numbers
Parenting Groups
Groupwork with Children and Adolescents
Pausing at Solutions - John Sharry, Grainne Hampson and Mary Fanning
Strengths-Based Video Feedback
Defeating Temper
A Case Study
Working with Suicidal Adolescents - John Sharry, Melissa Darmody and Brendan Madden
Working with Child Abuse and Neglect - John Sharry and Declan Coogan

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