The SAGE Handbook of Evaluation


Erschienen am 10.07.2006, 1. Auflage 2006
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781446207000
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 632 S.
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


This handbook thoroughly covers all aspects of evaluation, yet isnt too technical to understand. It offers everything an organization needs to know to get the most out of evaluation -Nonprofit World

`TheHandbook succeeds in capturing and presenting evaluations extensive knowledge base within a global context. In so doing it provides a useful, coherent and definitive benchmark on the fields diverse and dynamic purposes, practices, theories, approaches, issues, and challenges for the 21st century. TheHandbook is an essential reference and map for any serious evaluation practitioner, scholar and student anywhere in the world -Michael Quinn Patton, author of Utilization-Focused Evaluation

`Readers of this volume will find a set of texts that provide an evocative overview of contemporary thinking in the world of evaluation. This is not a book of simple tips. It does justice to the complex realities of evaluation practice by bringing together some of the best practitioners in the world to reflect on its current state. It is theoretically sophisticated yet eminently readable, anchored in evaluation as it is undertaken in a variety of domains. It is the kind of book that startles a little and makes you think. I highly recommend it - Murray Saunders, University of Lancaster

In this comprehensive handbook, an examination of the complexities of contemporary evaluation contributes to the ongoing dialogue that arises in professional efforts to evaluate people-related programs, policies and practices.

The SAGE Handbook of Evaluation is a unique and authoritative resource consisting of 25 chapters covering a range of evaluation theories and techniques in a single, accessible volume. With contributions from world-leading figures in their fields overseen by an eminent international editorial board, this handbook is an extensive and user-friendly resource organised in four coherent sections:

" Role and Purpose of Evaluation in Society;

" Evaluation as a Social Practice;

" The Practice of Evaluation;

" Domains of Evaluation Practice.

The Handbook of Evaluation is written for practicing evaluators, academics, advanced postgraduate students and evaluation clients and offers a definitive, benchmark statement on evaluation theory and practice for the first decades of the 21st century.


The Evaluation of Policies, Programs and Practices - Melvin M Mark, Jennifer C Greene and Ian Shaw
An Introduction
The Purposes of Evaluation in a Democratic Society - Eleanor Chelimsky
Roles for Theory in Contemporary Evaluation Practice - Stewart I Donaldson and Mark W Lipsey
Developing Practical Knowledge
Evaluation for Practice Improvement and Organizational Learning - Patricia J Rogers and Bob Williams
Evaluation and the Study of Lived Experience - Thomas A Schwandt and Holli Burgon
Evaluation, Democracy and Social Change - Jennifer C Greene
Evaluation after Disenchantment? Five Issues Shaping the Role of Evaluation in Society - Peter Dahler-Larsen
Government as Structural Context for Evaluation - Phil Davies, Kathryn Newcomer and Haluk Soydan
The Social Relations of Evaluation - Tineke A Abma
Intellectual Contexts - John Stevenson and David Thomas
The Relationship between Evaluation and Politics - Ove Karlsson Vestman and Ross F Conner
Ethics in Evaluation - Helen Simons
A Comparative Analysis of Evaluation Utilization and Its Cognate Fields of Inquiry - J Bradley Cousins and Lyn M Shulha
Current Issues and Trends
Contextual Challenges for Evaluation Practice - Elliot Stern
Methods for Policymaking and Knowledge Development Evaluations - Melvin M Mark and Gary T Henry
Embedding Improvements, Lived Experience and Social Justice in Evaluation Practice - Elizabeth Whitmore et al
Managing Evaluations - Robert Walker and Michael Wiseman
Communicating Evaluation - Marvin C Alkin, Christina A Christie and Mike Rose
On Discerning Quality in Evaluation - Robert E Stake and Thomas A Schwandt
The Practice of Evaluation: Challenges and New Directions - Lois-ellin Datta
Evaluation in Education - David Nevo
Evaluation of Health Services: Reflections on Practice - Andrew Long
Social Work and the Human Services - Ian Shaw with Carol T Mowbray and Hazel Qureshi
Evaluation in Criminal Justice - Nick Tilley and Alan Clarke
Evaluation of Development Interventions and Humanitarian Action - Osvaldo Feinstein and Tony Beck
Evidence-Based Evaluation in Different Professional Domains - Alan Clarke
Similarities, Differences and Challenges

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