Salmonid Fisheries

eBook - Freshwater Habitat Management

Erschienen am 13.06.2011, 1. Auflage 2011
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781444347906
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 344 S., 7.93 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Salmonid Fisheries is a landmark publication, concentrating on river management, habitat restoration and rehabilitation, disseminating lessons learnt in relation to the intensively studied salmonids that are applicable to future interventions, not just for salmonid species but for other non-salmonid species, biota and ecosystems. The contents of this book are the product of the Atlantic Salmon Trusts 40th Anniversary Conference, held in association with the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust.

Drawing together carefully-edited contributions from many of the world leaders in river restoration from academia, commercial management and government agencies, this important book highlights the need to view river management from the context of the catchment and to adopt an ecosystem-based approach to restoration. The book is broadly divided into two sections which discuss first, the status of current understanding concerning the relationship between lotic habitat management, the response of salmonid fisheries and the theory of river restoration, and secondly, the application of this to habitat management and river restoration.

Salmonid Fisheries is an extremely valuable work of reference for fisheries managers, ecologists, environmental scientists, fish biologists, conservation biologists and geomorphologists. Libraries in all universities and research establishments where biological and earth sciences, and fisheries management are studied or taught should have copies of this book on their shelves.

Contributions from a wide range of well known expertsPublished in association with the Atlantic Salmon TrustHabitat management is crucial for dwindling wild salmon populationsOf great importance to aquatic ecologists and fisheries managers


Paul Kemp, University of Southampton, UK

Dylan Roberts and Nick Sotherton, Game Conservancy Trust, UK



Preface and Acknowledgements.

Chapter 1 Variation in Habitat Quality for Drift-Feeding Atlantic Salmon and Brown Trout in Relation to Local Water Velocity and River Discharge (John Armstrong).


1.1 Introduction.

1.2 Defining local habitat quality.

1.3 Variation in patch quality as a function of typical salmon and trout station-holding modes.

1.4 Predicting change in patch energy value with discharge.

1.5 Other considerations.

1.6 Synthesis and discussion.



Chapter 2 'Catchment Consciousness' Will Mantra, Metric or Mania Best Protect, Restore and Manage Habitats? (Malcolm Newson).


2.1 Introduction.

2.2 'Catchment consciousness'.

2.3 The ecosystem approach: in search of a 'mother metric' integrity.

2.4 The search for physical habitat metrics.

2.5 Integrity within and beyond the river channel: landscape ecology and scalarsalar.

2.6 Entering the watershed; entering the real world.

2.7 Tooling up robust metrics: uncertain science and adaptive management to secure integrity for the salmon.



Chapter 3 In-Channel Placement of Structure to Enhance Habitat Complexity and Connectivity for Stream-Dwelling Salmonids (Paul Kemp).


3.1 Introduction.

3.2 Benefits of structural complexity for fish.

3.3 Restoration failures and inconclusive outcomes.

3.4 Variation in biological response to manipulation of physical habitat.

3.5 Costs of structural complexity for fish.

3.6 Physical structure and habitat fragmentation: culvert restoration.

3.7 Discussion.



Chapter 4 Integrating Science and Practice for the Sustainable Management of In-Channel Salmonid Habitat (David Sear).


4.1 Why do we manage in-channel habitat?

4.2 In-channel habitat: the conceptual basis for within-channel management.

4.3 Conceptualising in-channel habitat as a mosaic of dynamic connected patches.

4.4 Linking in-channel habitats to landscape processes.

4.5 Managing in-channel habitats as SHMs.

4.6 Discussions.



Chapter 5 Monitoring Salmon Stream Restoration: Guidelines Based on Experience in the American Pacific Northwest (Philip Roni, George Pess and Sarah Morley).


5.1 Introduction.

5.2 Steps for designing an effective monitoring programme.

5.3 Case studies.

5.4 Discussion.



Chapter 6 Restoring Ecological Connectivity in Rivers to Improve Conditions for Anadromous Brown Trout (Salmo trutta) (Larry Greenberg and Olle Calles).


6.1 Introduction.

6.2 Material and methods.

6.3 Results and discussion.

6.4 Conclusions and implications for management.



Chapter 7 Riparian Management: Alternative Paradigms and Implications for Wild Salmon (Keith Nislow).


7.1 Introduction.

7.2 Riparian management and Atlantic salmon.

7.3 The species-requirement approach.

7.4 The process-restoration approach.

7.5 Integrating species-requirements and process-based approaches in riparian management.

7.6 Case study: riparian management for LWD recruitment in northeastern US Atlantic salmon streams.

7.7 Conclusions and recommendations.



Chapter 8 Does Fencing of British Lowland Streams Encourage Greater Salmonid Fish Stocks? (David Summers).


8.1 Introduction.

8.2 The effects of grazing on lowland streams.

8.3 Potential impacts on fish in lowland streams.

8.4 Fencing is it a solution?

8.5 Ongoing management considerations.

8.6 Conclusions.


Chapter 9 Effects of Competing Brown Trout on Habitat Use by Atlantic Salmon Parr: Controlled Investigations in a Laboratory Stream (Johan Hojesjo, Lee Stradmeyer, Sian Griffiths and John Armstrong).


9.1 Introduction.

9.2 Methods.

9.3 Results.

9.4 Discussion.



Chapter 10 Pool Restoration for Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) in Gravel Bed Rivers in New Brunswick, Canada (William C. Hooper).


10.1 Introduction.

10.2 Methods.

10.3 Results.

10.4 Discussion.



Chapter 11 Nutrient Restoration Using Atlantic Salmon Carcasses as a Component of Habitat Management in Scottish Highland Streams (Keith Nislow, Brian Kennedy, John Armstrong, Peter Collen, Janey Keay and Simon McKelvey).


11.1 Introduction.

11.2 Methods.

11.3 Results.

11.4 Discussion.


Chapter 12 Habitat Requirements for Juvenile Salmonids in Chalk Streams: How will Management Best Address Conflicting Interests? (William Riley and Mike Pawson).


12.1 Introduction.

12.2 Materials and methods.

12.3 Results.

12.4 Discussion.



Chapter 13 Aerial Photography as a Tool for Salmonid Habitat Assessment (Stuart Clough, David Campbell, David Bradley and Keith Hendry).


13.1 Introduction.

13.2 Methods.

13.3 Results.

13.4 Discussion.

13.5 Conclusions.



Chapter 14 Lymington River Fish Passage Easements: A Case Study from the New Forest (UK) (Mark Sidebottom).


14.1 Introduction.

14.2 Easements at culverts and 'Irish fords'.

14.3 Catchment-specific easements.

14.4 Conclusions.



Chapter 15 A Catalyst for Trout Habitat Improvement: A Review of the Wild Trout Trust Advisory Visit Programme (Tim Jacklin, Simon Johnson and Edward Twiddy).


15.1 Introduction.

15.2 Work of the WWT.

15.3 AV case study River Glaven (Norfolk).

15.4 Discussion.


Chapter 16 Influences of Environmental Variables and Stocking on Atlantic Salmon Upstream Migrations in the River Thames, UK (Carolyn Rosten, Richard Horsfield, Karen Anderson and Andy Turnpenny).


16.1 Introduction.

16.2 Methods.

16.3 Results.

16.4 Discussion.



Chapter 17 Managing the Effects of Climate Change: Fishery Managements Greatest Challenge (David Solomon and Graham Lightfoot).


17.1 Introduction.

17.2 The southern limit of lowland distribution.

17.3 Temperature tolerance.

17.4 Evidence of and predictions for temperature changes.

17.5 Northward shifts in distribution.

17.6 The limited scope for mitigation.

17.7 Conclusion.



Colour plates.

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