Gender, Peace and Conflict


Erschienen am 01.02.2001, 1. Auflage 2001
75,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781412933513
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 240 S.
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


- What impact does gender difference make to political decision-making?- Will the political empowerment of women contribute to a more peaceful world? The role of gender has been increasingly recognized as central to the study and analysis of the traditionally male domains of war and international relations. This book explores the key role of gender in peace research, conflict resolution and international politics. Rather than simply 'add gender' the aim is to transcend different disciplinary boundaries and conceptual approaches to provide a more integrated basis for future study. To this end it uniquely combines theoretical chapters alongside empirical case studies to demonstrate the importance of a gender perspective to both theory and practice in conflict resolution and peace research.The theoretical chapters explore the gender relationship and engage with the many stereotypical dichotomies like femininity and peace and masculinity and war. The case study chapters (drawing on examples from South America, South Asia and Europe, including former Yugoslavia) move beyond theoretical critique to focus on issues like sexual violence in war, the role of women in military groups and peacekeeping operations and the impact of a 'critical mass' of women in political decision-making.Gender, Peace and Conflict will provide an invaluable survey and new insights to a central area of contemporary research. It will be essential reading for academics, students and practitioners across peace studies, conflict resolution and international politics.

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