Red Tape and White Knuckles

eBook - One Woman's Motorcycle Adventure through Africa

Erschienen am 24.11.2009, 1. Auflage 2009
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781409066880
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 416 S., 2.26 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Unafraid of a challenge, Lois Pryce began the kind of adventure most of us could only ever dream of. She put on her sparkly crash helmet, armed herself with maps and a baffling array of visas, and got on her bike. Destination: Cape Town - and the small matter of tackling the Sahara, war-torn Angola and the Congo Basin along the way - this feisty independent woman's grand trek through the Dark Continent of Africa is the definitive motorcycling adventure.

Colourful and hilarious,Red Tape and White Knucklesis an action-packed tale about following your dreams that will have you packing your bags and jetting off into the sunset on your own adventure before you know it.


Torn between the career paths of two illustrious relatives, Max Born, the Nobel Prize Winner in Physics and his granddaughter, Olivia Newton-John, Lois Pryce abandoned her interest in Quantum Theory at the age of 16, left school and spent the next couple of years as a carrot picker, painter and decorator and failing an audition as a kiss-o-gram before bowing to the inevitable and going into rock 'n roll. After various underpaid jobs in record shops and as a product manager in the Beeb, she decided to jack it all in and ride her trail bike from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. Her on-line diary of her journey became a cult hit and led to her first book,Lois on the Loose.When not on her bike she is at home on her houseboat with husband Austin.


OneWoman's Motorcycle Adventure Through Africa

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