Live From Downing Street


Erschienen am 25.10.2012, 1. Auflage 2012
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781409044352
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 576 S., 7.78 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


The relationship between politicians and broadcasters has always been fraught with tension. Today, every word and act of those who wield power is instantly broadcast and dissected on 24-hour rolling news channels, blogs and Twitter. But in the past, broadcasters were banned by law from debating anything newsworthy and Parliament imprisoned those who dared to report what MPs had said. Since that censorship ended, the two sides have clashed repeatedly.

Live From Downing Streettakes us on an absorbing journey through the history of this power struggle, dwelling in fascinating detail on the charismatic key players from radio and television the Dimblebys, Day, Frost, Walden, Paxman, Humphrys and those who fought back Churchill, Wilson, Thatcher and Blair. As the BBCs Political Editor, Nick Robinson is uniquely placed to add his own perceptive insights into the controversial issue of impartial reporting, providing a colourful and gripping account of the hard-fought battles for the right to tell the public about the decisions taken on their behalf.


Nick Robinson studied Politics, Philosophy and Economics at Oxford before joining the BBC in 1986. After a decade working behind the cameras as a producer on programmes ranging fromCrimewatchtoOn the RecordandPanorama he became a reporter and presenter. He is the only person to have been Political Editor of bothITV Newsand nowBBC News a job he has held since August 2005. As well as appearing on TV and radio he writes an award winning blog. Nick lives in North London with his wife and three children.


Revised and updated with new material for this paperback edition

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