Who's Your Caddy?

eBook - My Misadventures Carrying the Bag

Erschienen am 31.07.2010, 1. Auflage 2010
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781409001508
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 272 S., 0.47 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


For "caddy" read confessor, punch-bag, psychotherapist, life-coach, general dogsbody, friend. It's all in a day's work for the men who carry the bag. And if you want to get behind the Pringle sweaters and PR there's no better place to be. Who knows a golfer best? Who's with them every minute of every round, hears their every word, witnesses their despair and triumph? Who knows if, when and how they cheat? The caddy, of course. So when, Rick Reilly, America's most celebrated sportswriter decided he wanted to write a book about golf he put down his pen, picked up the phone, and hired himself out to the great, near great and the reprobates of golf. The results were amazing - John Daly, Tom Lehman, Donald Trump, Deepak Chopra, a blind player, David Duval, a couple of high-rolling hustlers in Vegas and even Jack Nicklaus himself, put their doubts behind them and hand over the bag. In the resulting account Reilly chronicles his experiences in the same inimitable style that makes his back-page column for Sports Illustrated a must-read for more than twenty million people every week. Combining a wicked wit with an expert's eye Who's Your Caddy? gives us an insight into what makes the game of golf so great. So if you can't get to the course, your short game is in tatters and Big Bertha can no longer deliver on her promises, give yourself a break and sit down and read what it's like for the rest of the world's population of golfers. In Who's Your Caddy? you'll find out - you're not alone..


Rick Reilly is the author of the cult classic Missing Links, Slo Mo, and The Life of Reilly, a New York Times bestseller. A senior writer for Sports Illustrated, he has been voted seven times as the National Sportswriter of the year by his peers. He lives in Denver, Colorado.


Fantastic new book from Sports Illustrated's most respected journalist, charting one man's experience caddying for the great, near great and reprobates of golf.

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