Lion Of Cairo


Erschienen am 22.07.2010, 1. Auflage 2010
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781407082851
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 496 S., 0.46 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


It is the middle of the 12th century . . .

On the banks of the Nile, in a city alive with intrigue, Caliph Rashid al-Hasan rules as a figurehead over a crumbling empire. In the shadow of the Grey Mosque, generals vie for power and influence under the scheming eyes of a venal grand vizier. Warring factions use murder and terror to silence their opponents. Egypt bleeds - and the scent draws her enemies in: the swaggering Shirkuh, who serves the Sultan of Damascus, and Amalric, king of Jerusalem, whose greed is insatiable and whose Crusader knights are hungry for a fight.

Yet all is not lost. In a distant land, there lives an old man who holds the power of life and death over the Moslem world. He has decided to help the Caliph and sends his greatest weapon. A single man. An Assassin. The one they call theEmir of the Knife...


Scott Odenwas born in Indiana, but has spent most of his life shuffling between his home in rural North Alabama, a Hobbit hole in Middle-earth, and some sketchy tavern in the Hyborian Age. He studied history and English at the University of Alabama. He is an avid reader of fantasy and ancient history, a collector of swords, and a player of tabletop role-playing games. His previous books includeMen of Bronze, Memnon, andThe Lion of Cairo. When not writing, he can be found walking his two dogs or doting on his wife. To find out more, visit scottoden.wordpress.com


A thrilling, action-packed historical novel set in Egypt during the time of the Crusades...

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