New Developments in Mining Engineering 2015

eBook - Theoretical and Practical Solutions of Mineral Resources Mining

Erschienen am 14.10.2015, 1. Auflage 2015
62,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781317302018
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 616 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


This annual series of books includes scientific papers on mining profiles. This volume presents multiple aspects of mining technology implementation in several aspects: extraction of coal, iron, manganese, uranium and other ores. Capturing and utilization of coalbed methane by various methods including alternative ones, safety measures in mining, ecological aspects, etc.Specific attention is paid to intensification of mineral resources extraction processes by way of modernizing opening methods, development and mining methods depending on mining-geological conditions. Experimental results of stress-strain state rock massif forecast by means of computational experiments using recursive methods are also discussed. Any mining operations should finally result in adequate recovery of land surface and utilization of mining wastes using various environmentally friendly methods, thus, sufficient attention is paid to this scientific trend. Non-traditional methods of minerals mining are becoming more topical and of higher demand in the modern society. Hence, several papers/chapters are devoted to underground coal gasification and its subsequent processes. In addition, extraction technologies of gas hydrate, as a source of an abundant amount of natural gas, are thoroughly examined in this book, including implementation of gas hydrate technologies for mine methane utilizations with its following transportation in a solid state. Furthermore, attention is given to evaluation of economic efficiency of minerals mining by the proposed methods, their ways of enrichment, ecological aspects and the influence of mining production on the environment, innovational logistic solutions at mining enterprises, and also to perspectives of Ukraine's mining industry integration to the European standards.

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