Fundamentals of Children and Young People's Anatomy and Physiology

eBook - A Textbook for Nursing and Healthcare Students, Fundamentals

Erschienen am 27.04.2021, 2. Auflage 2021
37,99 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781119619246
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 528 S., 86.57 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Fundamentals of Children and Young Peoples Anatomy and Physiology contains the critical knowledge required to provide safe and effective care to young people. Emphasising the application of evidence-based theory to practice, this comprehensive yet accessible textbook helps nursing and healthcare students understand how childrens anatomical and physiological systems influence disease processes and treatment options differently than in adults. Highly visual, succinct yet comprehensive, this textbook presents an overview of the structure and function of each body system, supported by clinical applications demonstrating how the concepts relate to nursing in practice.

Fully revised to reflect the Future Nurse Curriculum Standards, this second edition contains a new chapter on physical growth and development, discussion of social, political, and environmental impacts to childrens health and wellbeing, updated problems and activities, and more. Each chapter includes a range of effective pedagogical tools, such as learning objectives, clinical considerations, body maps, and self-assessment questions. Designed to prepare students for their careers in delivering high-quality care for children in a range of settings, this leading textbook:

Provides information on the anatomical and physiological changes that leads to an altered state of healthEmphasises clinical application throughout, applying the anatomy and physiology to common health conditions in childrenOffers a structured and comprehensive approach to child-related anatomy and physiology theory to prepare students for practice

Fundamentals of Children and Young Peoples Anatomy and Physiology is essential reading for nursing and healthcare students, and a useful reference for nurses, nursing associates, healthcare assistants, assistant practitioners, and other professionals working in the field.

All content is reviewed by students for students.

If you would like to be one of our student reviewers, go towww.reviewnursingbooks.com to find out more.


Ian Peate, OBE FRCN is Principal, School of Health Studies, Gibraltar Health Authority, Gibraltar; Visiting Professor of Nursing, St Georges University of London, Kingston University London and Northumbria University; Visiting Senior Clinical Fellow, University of Hertfordshire, and Editor-in-Chief of theBritish Journal of Nursing.

Elizabeth Gormley-Fleming is Associate Director, Academic Quality Assurance, Centre for Academic Quality Assurance, University of Hertfordshire, UK.





Chapter 1 Children and young peoples health and wellbeing

Chapter 2 Homeostasis

Chapter 3 Scientific principles

Chapter 4 The cell

Chapter 5 Genetics

Chapter 6 Tissues

Chapter 7 The immune system

Chapter 8 Blood

Chapter 9 The cardiac system

Chapter 10 The respiratory system

Chapter 11 The endocrine system

Chapter 12 The digestive system and nutrition

Chapter 13 The renal system

Chapter 14 The reproductive systems

Chapter 15 The nervous system

Chapter 16 The muscular system

Chapter 17 The skeletal system

Chapter 18 The senses

Chapter 19 The skin

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