Lloyd's Maritime Atlas of World Ports and Shipping Places 2020-2021


Erschienen am 31.01.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
173,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781000341492
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 182 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Published since 1951, Lloyd's Maritime Atlas is the oldest and most respected atlas in the shipping industry. A comprehensive reference for locating the world's busiest ports and shipping places, this new edition has been fully updated and enhanced with brand new maps and features to alleviate the demands on today's busy shipping professional.In the 20209-2021 edition:Fully up-to-date with the latest port names and locationsWorld map indicating where MARPOL, SECA and PSSA regulations are in forceDouble page spread revealing piracy hotspots and detailed analyses of routes to avoid as well as a new symbol indicating incidence of piracy on the main mapsWorld map of vaccinations required to protect against major global diseases Up-to-the-minute Marine Distance Tables and fleet statisticsIn addition, Lloyd's Maritime Atlas continues to provide:Precise latitude and longitude co-ordinates of over 8,000 ports and shipping places from around the worldOver 70 full-colour world, ocean and regional maps At-a-glance weather hazards at sea and international load line zones mapsExpansive double-page world distance table plus 33 detailed regional tables to help you plan your routeUnique geographical and alphabetical indexing system to help you quickly and easily find a locationAll major canal and river systems, plus main road, rail and airport connections to cater for multi-modal journeysThis book continues to be the premier reference guide for shipping professionals worldwide.

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