Psychology of human communities


Erschienen am 19.11.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780880043311
Umfang: 422 S., 0.51 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Gustave Lebon is a French psychologist, sociologist, anthropologist, historian and publicist, best known as the founder of social psychology as a science and the author of one of the first versions of the "mass society" doctrine. Gustave Lebon advocated the idea of racial determinism in the development of civilization. As the foundation of social evolution, he considered not the mind, but the irrational-volitional, emotional sphere of mental life feelings and beliefs. "Psychology of Nations" is devoted to the questions of the formation, development and extinction of human races and the role played in these processes by the ideas and people governing the people. "Psychology of the masses" or "Psychology of the crowd" became a section of social psychology that studies the behavior of groups of people and differences in the behavior of the crowd and its individual persons (individuals). We are talking about sudden social changes caused by the actions of large groups of people, which would not be inherent to one participant in the events. Content: Psychology of nations Mass psychology


(. Gustave Le Bon; 7 1841, -- 13 1931) , , , , « ».

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