Set for Success

eBook - Activities for Teaching Emotional, Social and Organisational Skills

Erschienen am 15.08.2011, 1. Auflage 2011
51,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780857002440
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 160 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


To be successful in today's world, all children need to become competent in emotional, social and organisational skills. This book of easy-to-implement strategies will be an invaluable tool for teaching these essential life skills to children of all abilities.

Each chapter provides objectives, lesson ideas, activities and photocopiable worksheets, and adopts an engaging theme appealing to a wide range of interests including science, music, cookery and sports. From developing organisational skills by making use of timetables, reports and note-taking, to promoting self-esteem by creating acrostic poems, Set for Success offers a series of structured yet fun-filled exercises that cater for all learning styles and levels of emotional and social proficiency.

This practical resource is ideal for children aged 3-10, and the activities can be easily adapted for older children who need extra support in developing emotional, social and organisational skills.


Josie Santomauro is a full-time writer living in Brisbane, Australia. Her son, Damian, was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome at the age of five. Josie has written several books on AS, as well as numerous fiction books for children and young adults under the name Josie Montano. She regularly gives seminars and talks on AS, and in 2009 was awarded the Parent/Carer Award in recognition of outstanding achievement by Autism Queensland, Australia. Margaret Carter is a behaviour change specialist. She works with children, families, educators and paraprofessionals within the care, education and therapy sectors in response to children's social, emotional and behavioural challenges. She is currently employed as a senior lecturer in Education at James Cook University, Singapore.


Foreword. 1. Overview. 2. Getting Organised - Science Themed. 3. Being Persistent - Music Themed. 4. Becoming Confident - Numeracy Themed. 5. Sociability - Creative Arts Themed. 6. Regulating Emotions - Sports Themed. 7. Attaining Independence - Literacy Themed. 8. Communicating Effectively - TechnologyThemed. 9. Relaxing and Energising - Cooking Themed. 10. Rights and Responsibilities - History Themed. Conclusion. References. Puzzle Solutions.

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