Caring for the Physical and Mental Health of People with Learning Disabilities


Perry, David/Eva, James/Hammond, Louise u a
Erschienen am 15.10.2010, 1. Auflage 2010
32,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780857002259
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 176 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


People with learning disabilities are at greater risk of physical and psychiatric illness than the population at large, but their health needs are often not adequately supported.

This book is a practical guide for those caring for people with learning disabilities living in community settings. It is designed to help the carers to better understand what the service users' health needs may be, how to recognise problems, and how to meet their needs. Chapter topics include physical health issues such as epilepsy, common health problems and diet and well-being; mental health issues such as dementia, depression, bipolar disorder and anxiety; and information related to common issues such as sleep and swallowing problems. The book also includes advice on screening programmes and health checks.

Written in an accessible and straightforward style, this book will be an invaluable guide for anyone caring for someone with a learning disability, including social carers, health facilitators, community nurses and family carers.


David Perry, Louise Hammond, Geoff Marston and Sherryl Gaskell are all based at the Caludon Centre at the Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership NHS Trust, UK. David Perry is Consultant Psychiatrist, specialising in learning disabilities; Louise Hammond is Lead Health Facilitator; Geoff Marston is Consultant Psychiatrist, specialising in learning disabilities; and Sherryl Gaskell is Strategic Health Facilitator. James Eva is an independent medicolegal psychiatrist and Mental Health Review Tribunal medical member, living in Cornwall.


Foreword. Dr Elin Davis, Consultant Psychiatrist, Cornwall, UK. Section 1. The needs of people with learning disability. 1. About this book. 2. An introduction to learning disabilities. 3. Learning disabilities and physical health. 4. Learning disabilities and mental health. 5. Physical and mental health needs of people with Down's Syndrome. 6. Learning disability, health and the law. Section 2. Associated conditions and issues. 7. Epilepsy. 8. Sleep problems. 9. Swallowing problems. 10. Autism. Section 3. Accessing services. 11. Screening programmes. 12. Health checks. 13. When admission to psychiatric care is required. Appendix. Genetic causes of learning disability. Glossary. References.

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