R. Murray Schafer

eBook - A Creative Life

Erschienen am 21.01.2019, 1. Auflage 2019
43,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780810888265
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 388 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


R. Murray Schafer: A Creative Life is the authoritative exploration of the life and work of this preeminent Canadian composer, artist, educator, and activist. Working closely with the composer and his family, L. Brett Scott has created the most up-to-date and accurate exploration of Schafer. Scott draws on many public and private sources, including the composers own journals and correspondence, which have not been previously available to researchers.

Scott discusses Schafers extensive writings, including his research writings on Ezra Pound and E. T. A. Hoffmann, and his multiple works of fiction. The volume also includes a detailed summary of Schafers work in the field of acoustic ecology and recognition of his role as founder of the World Soundscape Project as well as an overview of his writings on creative music education.

With complete discussions of his theater works, choral compositions, compositions for voice, chamber pieces, orchestral compositions, and early and transitional works and a chronological list of compositions and select discography, this volume presents the most comprehensive study of Schafer and his enduring legacy.


Brett Scott is associate professor of ensembles and conducting at the University of Cincinnatis College-Conservatory of Music. Prior to his appointment at the University of Cincinnati, he was director of choral activities at the University of Rochester and taught at the Eastman School of Music. Scott is an expert on contemporary music and Canadian music. He has presented at national and international conferences, and has had articles published in several scholarly choral journals. He has served as editor of Chorus AmericasResearch Memorandum Series and associate editor of NCCOsThe Choral Scholar.


Part I The Biography

Chapter 1 Family Background, Childhood, Teenage Years and University

Chapter 2 - Uncertainty, the Temporal Muse, and Wanderlust

Chapter 3 Homecoming and Education from the Other Side

Chapter 4 Academia, Notoriety, and New Endeavors

Chapter 5 Country Life, Renewed Creativity, and Change

Chapter 6 - Two Loves, Financial Concerns, and Homeland

Chapter 7 Solitude, Reconciliation, and New Challenges

Part II The Writings

Chapter 8 The Educational Writings

Chapter 9 The Soundscape Writings

Chapter 10 Scholarly Writings and Non-Fiction

Chapter 11 The Works of Fiction

Part III The Theatrical Works

Chapter 12 Loving and the non-Patria Works

Chapter 13 The Patria Cycle

Part IV The Compositions

Chapter 14 The Early and Transitional Compositions

Chapter 15 The Compositions for Choir

Chapter 16 The Compositions for Voice

Chapter 17 The Concerti and other Orchestral Works

Chapter 18 The Chamber, Solo, and Electronic Compositions

Appendix 1 Chronological List of Compositions

Appendix 2 Discography

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