Escape to Pumpkin Cottage

eBook - A feel-good read about romance and rivalry

Erscheint am 19.09.2024, 1. Auflage 2024
15,59 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780749031015
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 384 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Pippa Mason is ready for a fresh start. She has bought Pumpkin Cottage in the picturesque Wye Valley village of Riverdean, where her late mother grew up, and plans to renovate a run-down bed and breakfast. Despite the complications of the project and a very surly builder, Pippa is settling into village life and starting to fall for the charms of local, outdoorsy Jake when problems start coming thick and fast ...Jenny Foster has plenty on her plate. It's busy enough running Riverside Lodge but now her husband Phil has been diagnosed with early-onset dementia. With doubts about how long she will be able to keep running the business, Jenny didn't need the threat of another B&B on her doorstep and the newcomer worming her way into the community.When the spat between the rival businesses escalates and an autumn storm brings matters to a head, Pippa and Jenny will have to see if Riverdean is big enough for the both of them.


Anna Burns (Author)Anna Burns is a psychiatrist and one half of a writing team with her mother Jacqui Burns. They write their novels while living over two hundred miles apart, emailing chapters back and forth, focussing on strong but relatable women at the centre of families and communities. Love at Café Lompar was shortlisted for the RNA Debut Novel Award.Jacqui Burns (Author)Jacqui Burns is a lecturer and one half of a writing team with her daughter Anna Burns. They write their novels while living over two hundred miles apart, emailing chapters back and forth, focussing on strong but relatable women at the centre of families and communities. Love at Café Lompar was shortlisted for the RNA Debut Novel Award.

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