Aristotle on the Nature of Analogy


Erschienen am 15.10.2018, 1. Auflage 2018
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780739198711
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 140 S.
Format: EPUB
DRM: Adobe DRM


Focusing primarily on AristotlesPhysicsAlpha, an attempt is made to establish the structure and significance of the Aristotelian analogy. Traditionally, the concept of analogy in Aristotle has been treated along two lines of interpretation. In this book, these are referred to as the mathematical interpretation and the correlative interpretation. The mathematical approach claims that the Aristotelian analogy only accounts for proportional comparisons between usually four things. On the other hand, the correlative interpretation describes the Aristotelian analogy as something that unites the multiple uses of a single term (the many uses of healthy, for example). This book will argue that both of these interpretations overlook the nature of the Aristotelian analogy. The structure of analogy can be taken from Aristotles discussion of the three principles of natural becoming in hisPhysicsAlpha. InPhysicsAlpha, Aristotle claims that these three principles are: 1) the being in its addressable form (logos); 2) the course of becoming of that addressable being (stersis); 3) the substance that remains the same throughout the change (hypokeimenon). Although the first principle,logos, accounts for addressability, the other two do not. The second and third principles are inseparable fromlogosbut always remain hidden from addressability (ana-logos). This book will argue that these principles reveal a structure of analogy that discloses an inherent mobility oflogoswhich enables it to reflect the intuitive and ever-changing principles of becoming. As such, the relationship betweenLogosand intuition (nous) can be reimagined.


Eric Schumacher is associate professor of philosophy at Cheyney University of Pennsylvania.



Course of this Study

Genesis and Analogy

Comparability and Underlying Nature

Chapter One: Locating the Structure of Analogy in Aristotles Thought

Two Determinant Points of Reference for the Study of Analogy in Aristotles

Thought: Gamma 2 and Lambda 4

Aristotles Common Nature as the Ground of Analogy in Aquinas

Aquinas on Analogical Names

Aquinas on the Analogy of Being

Concluding Comments on Aquinas on Analogy

Aristotles Common Nature as the Ground of the Abuse of Analogy

Owen on Focal Meaning

Aubenque on the Origin of the Doctrine of the Analogy of Being

What Heidegger Adds to the Locating of Analogy in Aristotle

Problems with the Two Interpretations of Analogy in Aristotle

Chapter Two: Speaking By Nature

Aristotles Way as an Analogical Movement of Discovery

Physics Alpha, 1

Three ConditionsNous for the Structure of Analogy

The Co-operation ofNous andAisthsis

Nous and its Expression throughLogos

Nous and the Apprehending of First Principles

A Few More Words onNous and the Return to the Analogical

Movement of Discovery

Physics Alpha, 2

Concluding Remarks on the Analogical Movement of Discovery

Chapter Three: On the Primary Role ofStersis

Unification and Uniqueness as the Guiding Significance ofStersis

Reading the Definitions ofStersis fromMetaphysics Delta, 22

A Few More Words Regarding the Articulation ofStersis

Physics Alpha, 3, 4 and 5

Concluding Remarks on Qualified Non-Being

Chapter Four: On the Analogical Preservation of the Ambiguity of Being

Physics Alpha, 6

Logos as Radical Analogy

Concluding Remarks onLogos as Radical Analogy


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