A New Deal for Transport?

eBook - The UK's struggle with the sustainable transport agenda, RGS-IBG Book Series

Erschienen am 15.04.2008, 1. Auflage 2008
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780470775363
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 280 S., 1.29 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


Comprising contributions from a range of experts, this volume offers a critical commentary on the government's sustainable transport policy.A critical commentary on the Blair government's sustainable transport policy and its implementation.Firmly rooted in an appreciation of the politics of this controversial field.Experts contribute up-to-the-minute analyses of the key issues.Will inform debate over the future of transport policy.Includes a Foreword by David Begg, Chair of the Commission for Integrated Transport.


Iain Docherty is a Research Fellow in the Department of Urban Studies at the University of Glasgow and an expert in urban governance, particularly the implementation of planning and transport policies. His previous publications includeMaking Tracks (1999), which looks at the transport planning system in major British cities.

Jon Shaw is a Lecturer in the Department of Geography and Environment at the University of Aberdeen. His recent work has examined the privatization of British Rail and road building in England. He is the author ofCompetition, Regulation and the Privatisation of British Rail (2000) and co-editor ofAll Change: British Railway Privatisation (2000).


Series Editors Preface ix

Notes on Contributors x

Foreword xiv

Preface xviii

List of Abbreviations xxii

Part I Policy and Politics 1

1 Policy, Politics and Sustainable Transport: The Nature of Labours Dilemma 3
Iain Docherty

2 Devolution and Sustainable Transport 30
Austin Smyth

3 Local Transport Planning under Labour 51
Geoff Vigar and Dominic Stead

Part II Progress in Policy Implementation 73

4 Roads and Traffic Congestion Policies: One Step Forward, Two Steps Back 75
William Walton

5 A Railway Renaissance? 108
Jon Shaw and John Farrington

6 Light Rail and the London Underground 135
Richard Knowles and Peter White

7 A Thoroughbred in the Making? The Bus Industry under Labour 158
John Preston

8 Ubiquitous, Everyday Walking and Cycling: The Acid Test of a Sustainable Transport Policy 178
Rodney Tolley

9 Air Transport Policy: Reconciling Growth and Sustainability? 198
Brian Graham

Part III The Future 227

10 Towards a Genuinely Sustainable Transport Agenda for the United Kingdom 229
Phil Goodwin

Index 245

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