Lymphoedema Care


Erschienen am 15.04.2008, 1. Auflage 2008
63,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780470691434
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 200 S., 0.94 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Adobe DRM


Lymphoedema is managed most successfully when advice and treatment are provided at an early stage of its development. This book provides all the necessary knowledge and the skills required to identify risk factors for the development of the disease and to equip the health care professional in providing the best advice to the patient.

As well as examining the physical signs and symptoms of lymphoedema, the book explores the different types of lymphoedema and reasons for its development. It includes a framework for the assessment of the person with lymphoedema, addresses skin care, compression, and the role of exercise and movement in lymphoedema management. It also examines potential complications of the condition and possible effects upon a patients lifestyle.

Lymphoedema Care is an invaluable resource for students, nurses and other health professionals wishing to understand more about lymphoedema.

Promotes care of the at risk limb in order to minimise problematic swelling
Enables nurses to identify complications and recognise the need for referral
Includes case studies


Mary Woods is a qualified nurse with 17 years of clinical experience in the care of patients with secondary lymphoedema.


1. What is lymphoedema?.

2. Risk factors for the development of lymphoedema.

3. Educating the patient at risk of lymphoedema.

4. Identifying lymphoedema.

5. A framework for the assessment of a patient with lymphoedema.

6. Care of the skin.

7. Movement and exercise.

8. Lymphatic drainage.

9. The role of compression therapy in the management of lymphoedema.

10. Additional treatments used in the management of lymphoedema.

11. Living with lymphoedema.

12. Complications of lymphoedema.

Glossary of terms.

Useful addresses and websites.

Further reading

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