The Age of Productivity

eBook - Transforming Economies from the Bottom Up

Erschienen am 12.04.2010, 1. Auflage 2010
31,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9780230107618
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 3.33 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Age of Productivity offers a look at how the low productivity in Latin America and the Caribbean is preventing the region from catching up with the developed world. The authors look beyond the traditional macro explanations and dig all the way down to the industry and firm level to uncover the causes.


The INTER-AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK (IDB) is an international institution created in 1959 to foster economic and social development in Latin America and the Caribbean.


Latin America's Productivity Problem Aggregate and Sector-based Productivity Analysis; E.Fernández-Arias The Role of Firm Entry, Exit and Resource Allocation in Explaining Productivity;  C.Pagés Productivity Dynamics: The Role of Innovation;  J.Navarro& J.Llisterri The Role of Market and Policy Failures in Explaining Latin America Productivity Problem Uninsured Risk and Social Protection Policies;  H.Ñopo Tax Policy;  A.Chong Financial Market Failures and Policies;  A.Galindo Macroeconomic Instability and Macroeconomic Policies;  A.Izquierdo& E.Cavallo Product Market Competition Policies;  M.Mesquita Innovation Policies;  J.Navarro& J.Llisterri Industrial Policies;  E.Fernández-Arias SME Policies;  P.Ibarrán& A.Maffioli Unlocking Productivity Growth The Political Economy of Productivity;  C.Scartascini& M.Tomassi How to Unlock Productivity Growth in the Region

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