An Expedition through Bass's Strait


Erschienen am 22.11.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547407386
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 62 S., 0.53 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'An Expedition through Bass's Strait' by Matthew Flinders, the reader is taken on a captivating journey through the uncharted waters of the early 19th century. Flinders, known for his meticulous attention to detail, provides a vivid account of his exploration of Bass's Strait, intertwining scientific observations with personal anecdotes. The book is a prime example of Flinders' narrative skill, as he effortlessly blends factual information with a compelling storytelling style. The reader will find themselves immersed in the world of maritime exploration, experiencing the challenges and triumphs alongside Flinders and his crew. Matthew Flinders, a renowned navigator and cartographer, draws from his own experiences to meticulously document his exploration of Bass's Strait. His expertise in maritime navigation and commitment to scientific discovery shine through in this work, reflecting his passion for exploration and mapping new territories. I highly recommend 'An Expedition through Bass's Strait' to readers interested in maritime history, exploration, and adventure. Flinders' engaging narrative and insightful observations make this book a valuable addition to any library, offering a unique glimpse into the life of a pioneering explorer.


Captain Matthew Flinders (16 March 1774 19 July 1814) was a distinguished English navigator and cartographer, renowned for his pioneering voyages and extensive explorations of the Australian coastline. He is best known for his circumnavigation of Australia, which fundamentally shaped the way the continent was perceived and mapped in the early 19th century. Flinders' meticulous cartographic work laid the groundwork for future explorations and securely established him as a pivotal figure in the field of hydrography. His seminal work, 'An Expedition through Bass's Strait,' is a detailed account of his navigational and exploratory undertakings during his journeys aboard the sloop HMS Norfolk in 1798-1799. This expedition, aimed at proving that Tasmania was a separate island from the mainland of Australia, was a success and led to the naming of the strait after his close associate, George Bass. The scholarly significance of Flinders' literary contributions lies in his thorough approach and the precision of his nautical descriptions, which have proven invaluable to historians and geographers alike. His writings not only chronicle his voyages but also showcase his literary style, reflective of the era's penchant for detailed description and scientific discourse. Though Flinders' life was curtailed by illness at the age of 40, his legacy endures through his publications and the geographical features bearing his name, a testament to his enduring influence on the fields of exploration and cartography.

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