Songs of love and empire


Erschienen am 02.06.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547050902
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 49 S., 0.32 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'Songs of Love and Empire' by E. Nesbit, the reader is transported to the late 19th century through a collection of poems that explore the themes of love, patriotism, and the complexities of the British Empire. Nesbit's lyrical style and vivid imagery immerse the reader in a world of romance and imperialism, capturing the social and political climate of the time. The poems range from introspective reflections on personal relationships to grandiose expressions of national pride, providing a multifaceted view of the era's values and conflicts. This collection serves as a window into the mindset of the late Victorian society, offering a glimpse into the emotional and ideological landscape of the time. E. Nesbit's exquisite poetic craftsmanship and nuanced exploration of love and power make 'Songs of Love and Empire' a captivating read for anyone interested in the intersection of literature and history.


Edith Nesbit, known professionally as E. Nesbit, was an English author and poet, recognized for her innovation in the field of children's literature. Born on August 15, 1858, in Kennington, Surrey, she had a profound impact on the genre, seamlessly blending real-life situations with elements of fantasy, which was a departure from the didactic norms prevalent during the Victorian era. Nesbit penned several beloved classics including 'The Railway Children' and 'Five Children and It.' She was also a founding member of the Fabian Society, reflecting her deep engagement with socialist ideals which often subtly permeated her narratives. 'Songs of Love and Empire,' a lesser-known work, highlights her versatility and breadth as a writer, delving into themes of love and nationalism with poetic eloquence. Nesbit's literary style is marked by lively characterizations, a conversational tone, and an unfaltering empathy for young readers, enriching her storytelling with a charm that has endured for generations. Her work continues to be celebrated for its imaginative power and its significant role in shaping modern children's literature (Briggs, Julia. 'A Woman of Passion: The Life of E. Nesbit 1858-1924').

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