War and Peace


Erschienen am 28.05.2022, 1. Auflage 2022
1,99 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 8596547022022
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 1407 S., 1.63 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Leo graf Tolstoy's 'War and Peace' is a monumental work of literature that delves into the complexities of Russian society during the Napoleonic wars. With its intricate plot and vast array of well-developed characters, the novel deftly weaves together themes of love, war, politics, and human nature. Tolstoy's writing style is characterized by its philosophical insights and narrative depth, making 'War and Peace' a timeless classic in the literary canon. The book's blend of historical accuracy and personal drama showcases Tolstoy's ability to create a vivid and engaging portrait of a bygone era. Through its analysis of individual choices and societal structures, 'War and Peace' offers readers a profound exploration of the human experience. Leo graf Tolstoy, a renowned Russian author and philosopher, drew inspiration from his own experiences in the military and his observations of Russian society to write 'War and Peace'. His background as a nobleman and his later rejection of material wealth and power informed the moral and ethical questions that are central to the novel. I highly recommend 'War and Peace' to readers who appreciate classic literature and are interested in exploring the depths of human nature. Tolstoy's masterful storytelling and profound philosophical musings make this novel a must-read for anyone seeking a rich and enlightening literary experience.


Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy, best known as Leo Tolstoy, was a towering figure in world literature, synonymous with the depth and grandeur of the Russian epic narrative. Born to an aristocratic Russian family in 1828, in Yasnaya Polyana, his literary career spanned over six decades, during which he produced some of the most acclaimed works in the history of literature. Tolstoy's magnum opus, 'War and Peace,' is often cited as one of the greatest novels ever written (Tolstoy, L., 1869). It masterfully interweaves the lives of individuals with the tumultuous Napoleonic era, deeply exploring themes of war, society, family, and human existence. Tolstoy's realist prose was groundbreaking in its psychological depth, employing a literary technique that closely examined the motivations, personal growth, and moral struggles of his characters. Balancing philosophical musings with intricate character development, Tolstoy's narratives remain a cornerstone of realist fiction. His contributions to literature have influenced countless authors and continue to captivate readers, scholars, and critics alike, cementing his legacy as one of the most influential writers of the 19th and early 20th centuries. He died in 1910, leaving behind a body of work that continues to be revered and studied for its profound impact on literature and society.

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