Christmas Carols & Poems


Wordsworth, William/Hardy, Thomas/Dickinson, Emily et al
Erschienen am 07.05.2021, 1. Auflage 2021
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 4064066380847
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 114 S., 2.25 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


In 'Christmas Carols& Poems', a rich tapestry of festive expressions unfolds through the works of some of the most celebrated poets in the English literary canon. This anthology intertwines the solemnity of Yuletide reflections with the jovial spirit of Christmas celebrations, encapsulating a broad spectrum of styles from the Romantic lushness of Wordsworth and Coleridge to the Victorian elegance of Tennyson and Browning. The collection is notable for its inclusion of both renowned pieces and lesser-known gems, weaving together the sacred and the celebratory into a cohesive narrative that honors the season's dual nature of reflection and festivity. The contributing poets, ranging from the metaphysical depths of John Milton to the narrative richness of Rudyard Kipling, bring a diverse set of cultural backgrounds and philosophical insights, reflecting the period's complex attitudes towards faith, tradition, and the human condition. This anthology not only celebrates Christmas but also offers a panoramic view of the historical and cultural evolution of English poetry, highlighting how these literary figures have shaped and been shaped by their times. 'Christmas Carols& Poems' invites readers to explore the multifaceted world of Yuletide literature. Each poem serves as a window into the era and personal life of its author, while collectively, they illuminate the universal themes of joy, contemplation, and community spirit. This anthology is an essential addition to the libraries of literature enthusiasts who are eager to delve into the rich intersections of history, culture, and poetic expression, fostering a deeper appreciation for both the individual works and their broader cultural significance.

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