A Broad Vision

eBook - The Price Bailey Story

Erschienen am 10.10.2013, 1. Auflage 2013
9,98 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9781848317086
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 208 S., 10.54 MB
Format: EPUB
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This is a book about the 75 years of a very successful accountancy practice.They are 75 important years both in the history of the United Kingdom, encompassing the Second World War and all the recessions and periods of growth in the 60-year period following that war, and in the history of accountancy and how it has had to adapt to both the changes in accounting practices and in accounting technology.As you will see, the Price Bailey story is one of growth from a single partner in one office to 22 partners in seven offices, not only in East Anglia but in the City and West End of London as well as in Guernsey in the Channel Islands. Price Bailey, which became a Limited Liability Partnership in 2004, is now the 29th biggest accountancy practice in the country. Its new Managing Director, Martin Clapson, is also Chairman of the European Board of the International Association of Professional Accountants (IAPA).Many people view accountants as a necessary adjunct to their life because the law of the land demands that financial dealings, whether personal or corporate, be properly assessed and recorded and that the correct tax, if any is due, be paid.There is no doubt that Price Bailey has always been meticulous in making sure this work is done properly and in due time. However, it has also always been the practice of the firm to carry out the above in an open and friendly manner and to offer more than the mere adding up of sums. As Richard Price, son of one of the original partners and a very long-serving member of Price Bailey, will tell you in the book, the firm has always made sure that they were close to the clients and often mixed with them socially.As you will also see, Price Bailey, especially in the last twelve years under the leadership of Peter Gillman, has greatly increased the services it can offer. Most recently, it is now authorised to give legal advice.


PETER PUGH was educated at Oundle and Cambridge where he read History. He has written more than 40 books about companies including a three-volume history of Rolls- Royce. He also wrote a book on the Guinness Scandal, an Insider's Guide to the City and guides to the philosophy of Maynard Keynes and the legacy of Margaret Thatcher in the well-known Introducing series. He is currently writing a book on Hunting plc.

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